SAes. vi. geYweL S s_kuL


Affiliated to CBSE- No.CBSE/Aff/1230035

Rules and Regulation

Rules & Regulations


Enrolment at S.V.GETWELL SCHOOL implies on the part of the students and parents willingness to comply with the rules and regulations of the School.

1. Students must be present at the school on a regular basis. There will not be approval of any leave of non-attendance without any application properly signed by their Parents/Guardians.

2. Students will attend the school in neat and tidy uniform.If a student is found in a mess, he/she will likely to be sent back to house and there will be accountability on the Parents/Guardians.

3. Students are anticipated to arrive in time at school. Students reporting late without having specific reason are liable to return to home. In such cases, school shall not be liable legally for the same or any mishap on their way back home.

4. Students are strigently prohibited to abscond from the school premises during the normal school hours with no consent of the Principal/Class teacher.

5. School shall not permit any student for smoking, chewing of any tobacco items or spitting etc. in the premisis. There may be a scrutiny of contravention of this regulation sincerely and may cause student removal from the school.

6. It is expected from every student not to scrape or mess up an articles or furniture, inscribe or sketch no matter which of the wall or in any ways dent things. Students shall be liable to pay the cost hereof if found guilty for the same.

7. Day scholars are strictly forbidden to carry message and latters or make purchase for Boarders.

8. No students are allowed to use any electronic items like mobile phones or any other inside the school premises. The School have the full jurisdiction to destroy or multilate the said items, if found against the rules.

9. Repeated absence without leave or unexplained absence for more than 6 consecutive days, renders the students liable to have his/her name struck off the rolls. Re-admission may be granted only on payment of fresh admission frr at the discretion of the Principal.

10. Parents/Guardians are requested to Co-operate with the school in maintaining norms, traditions, educational environment and discipline of the school by following:

       (i) That they should go through the school circular regarding fee, leaves, progress report promptly and comply with instructions regarding extra attention required for the studies of their wards.

       (ii) That their wards don't overstay after vacations/leave and report back to school timely.

       (iii) That their wards are properly equipped with study material and neatly and tidily dressed while coming to the school.

Student's Conduct Rule:

      As the motto of our school is to serve the Nation through proper education, each and every students should endeavor at their best level to achieve this goal. He or She should be punctual, regular, courteous, hard-working and an ardent follower of the rule and regulations. Here you are instructed to follow some guide lines.

      (i) When a Teacher come into a class all the student should respect him/her by standing. After he/she ask, you to sit you can sit.

      (ii) The medium of instruction and communication inside the school premises should exchange and share knowledge through English.

      (iii) Students should arrive the school premises at least 5 minute before the morning assembly, after assembly they should move towards their respective rooms in complete silence.

      (iv) Students must produce the reason in brief for being absent duly entered in the regularity record and signed by the parent or guardian.

      (v) Students will be allowed to leave the school before the end of the normal class provided he or she has personal problem verified by the concerned class teacher.

      (vi) Students should always be with their identity cards and bring their calendar to the school daily.

Do's and Dont's of a Student


1. Come to school well grommed in proper uniform with well polished shoe.

2. Be regular in the attendance and never be late to school.

3. Attend morning assembly without fail.

4. Bring the students' dairy to school daily.

5. Keep your class room and school premises neat and tidy. 

6. Switch off fans and lights when not in use.

7. Turn off the tap after use in laboratory.

8. Be fan and honest at work, always be considerate of the rights of others.

9. Be counties and respectful to parents, teachers and elders.


1. Lend or borrow money or any precious article.

2. Involve yourself in fends.

3. Bunk from the class.

4. Use abusive language.

5. Damage the school property.

6. Bring gadgets such as Mobile Phone, Mp3 players, etc. they are strictly prohibited in the school premises.

7. Bring article of value like Jewellery to the school. The school will not be held responsible for the loss of such article.

8. Absent yourself from the school. 75% attendance in the minimum requirement. Presence in the school is mandatory except in case of emergency.

9. Make loud noise or create confusion in the classroom, auditorium oe elsewhere in the school building.

10. Practice unfair means during the school test or examination.

Withdrawal/Termination of Students:

      The school authorities may implement its precise to terminate a student under subsequent state of affairs. The students may be withdrawn or terminated from the school or boarding on the following ground:

1. If a student fails to pay the necessary admission fees within a period of 10 days.

2. If a student or parent behaves badly and uses awful words to the teachers and staff. If a student tries to institute indiscipline within the school and held responsible.

3. If a student is caught using unfair-means at some point in the exam.

4. If a student falls a serious illness.

5. If a students is found very poor in academic performance.

6. Possession of mobile phone, electronic gadgets/pack of cards etc.

7. Consumption of intoxicants like liquor, tobacco, pan etc.


        1. For withdrawal of a student a clear two months prior notice must be given in writing or two months fees will be charged in lieu of notice period. 

        2. No transfer certificate or progress report will be issued unless dues are cleared.

        3. Name of the student who remain absent without sanctioned leave for 7 consecutive days will be struck off the roll without intimation. 

Rules for Boarders:

1. Parents should visit their wards every 2nd and 4th Sundays between 11:30 am to 04:00 pm.

2. Parents are not allowed to withdraw their wards before clearing their required fees and dues.

3. Boarders are not allowed to wear ornaments oe any other costly items. The school is not responsible for any loss or damage.

4. Private clothing or wearing of any items of private clothes/Non School pattern of cloths is not permitted on any occasion including Holidays. Parents are therefore advised not to send any items of private clothing along with their wards.

Caution Money:

        Some amount may be deposited by the parents/guardians at the time of admission of their wards. The amount may be changed from time to time. This is to be treated as caution money, this deposit amount will not be refunded if the student is withdrawn from the school before the completion of their course. The amount should be fixed by the authority and it may be increased or decreased. If a student/student(s) is/are withdrawn during the term/course refund of fees and Deposit Amount is inadmissible.

Cash and Valuables:

        Keeping of cash and other valuable articles including mobile phones, walkman, transistor, tape recorders or any other electronic items are strictly prohibited. Parents/guardians are advised to send money in the form of cash, draft or cheque. If in case of draft and cheque the name of the student, roll number, class and boarding number of the student should be written on the reverse of draft or cheque.

Incoming Tele Calls:

        Parents need not call up their wards as a matter of routine as it makes them home sick and disturb them from their studies. If in case of emergency parents may contact the respective wardens and discuss the matter.

Out Pass and Leave:

        The school does not permit the students to go out of the school campus so long as the academic session is in progress except the unavoidable circumstances. Parents/Guardians are advised to plan celebration funtions only during the vacation and not in the school campus. The students may be taken home for out pass after entering to the In-Out pass Register after taking the prior permission from the Principal/Headmistress/OSD/Wardens. If any student is found going out of the school campus without proper permission, any action/legal action may be taken up against the student without any notice. Boarders are not allowed to go from the School Campus without Proper Dress during the school hour or after taking permission from the school authority.

Contact Info

Contact Info


Haotal Thangjam Khunou, Imphal Pukhao Road, Imphal East, Manipur, India.


Mobile: 8787675020
Landline : 0385 2243154





Contact Form

